November 3 to 24, 2018
Revealed preference theory attempts to provide predictable data to lobbyists and policy makers so that incentives, subsidies, and tariffs might be put in place to generally sway consumer behaviour, but how might one think material preferences outside of this formula? How do we attempt to explain why someone might prefer a banana to an apple in the first place? The exhibition proposes that materials, objects, and things might be capable of expressing their own seductive agency and that the preference of a subject for one object above another emerges through this encounter. The works and artists included have practices where, at times, the materials being worked with take the lead in decision making processes, revealing a complicity between artist and material.
Untitled Hanger (in Progress), 2018
Steel and Phentex
Variable dimensions
Untitled Tapestry (Rolled), 2017-2018
Acrylic paint, mixed yarns, cotton monkscloth, twill tape and thread, grommets,
nylon cord, pattern hooks, steel hanger, ceramic weights
Variable dimensions
Found yarns, string, plumb line, VHS tape, bailing twine, synthetic rafia and tinsel on cotton monkscloth with twill tape,
grommets, pattern hooks, macramé cord, glazed stoneware buttons, Phentex and steel hangers
Variable dimensions
Single Sitting Sampler, 2018
Found yarns on cotton monksloth
12" x 9"
Single Sitting Sampler, 2018
Found yarns on cotton monksloth
12" x 9"
Found yarns on cotton monksloth
12" x 9"