April 1 to September 3, 2023
Starting from a material approach, this exhibition is maximalist in form, weaving together the different ways that artists have picked up quilting as both metaphor and formal strategy in their work. Taken together, the exhibition forms a patchwork of ideas and objects, centering materiality and sensuousness as a ground for the various approaches and intentions within the works.
Taken together, the work seeks to reveal the construction of identity, built through layers of experiences and material conditions. Each cloth is dyed with a unique combination of three overlapping pigments, creating various combinations and spectral possibilities that offer permeability and unfixedness. Contrasting the sensuous draping and delicate porousness of the material, the rigid structure of the armature mirrors the grid of the fabric’s warp and weft. However, as areas of threads start to pull apart and loosen, and as the fabrics flutter in the breeze, light from within becomes more visible, suggesting a possibility of collective liberation from the rigid arrangements of identity as we know them.
—Leila Timmins
A way through to an inside, between; since I’ve been forty (September 12, 2019 to September 3, 2023)
Dyed monkscloth (previously used as ground cover for outdoor gatherings, including the artist’s birthday, a series of pandemic park parties, and graduate seminars; as tablecloths for a fundraiser dinner; as packing and shipping blankets for other artworks; and as material for no longer extant sculptural installations), grass clippings, food scraps, spilled wine, candle drippings, clay dust, scaffolding, fans, clip-on utility lights, smart bulbs, zip-ties, staples, power cords, digital electric timers, yarn, wooden dowel, glazed ceramic, and assorted poppers bottles
120” x 360” x 60”
Documentation by Toni Hafkenscheid.